09 Oct POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020 – Line 1.1.4
Project funded by POR FESR Tuscany 2014-2020 – Line 1.1.4 – Action 1.1.5 – Sub-action a1
TEAM ITALIA S.r.l is carrying out a research and development project in a temporary partnership with the following associates: Genesy S.r.l., I.S.E.S.r.l., Resiltech S.r.l., University of Florence – Dept. of Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa.
This project, called IOT 4.0 Yacht – IOT 4.0 solutions for Yacht Maintenance and Remote Assistance, aims to develop and realize an industrial prototype of an innovative and integrated system, based on ICT technologies, sensors and embedded technologies that allow to offer remote assistance services , predictive and on-demand diagnostics, remote maintenance and remote troubleshooting of on-board devices in the nautical field for boats (Yachts) of medium and large size.
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